Legal Notices
Thank you for visiting the website www.ludifit.comYou will find below our personal data policy. We strongly advise you to read it. By visiting this website you agree with the practices and you subscribe to the conditions disclosed below.
The website is intended for personal information of its users.
General information
This website is the property of Ludifit SAS
Head office : Ludifit SAS - 4 rue du Docteur Pravaz, 69110 Ste Foy Lès Lyon
Contact :
This website was created by : Cianéo
This website is maintained by : Cianéo
This website is hosted by : Cianéo
Contact :
Copyright :
Ludifit SAS
Applicable Law
The website as welle as the following terms and conditions are subjected to the french law.
Ludifit SAS reserve the right to modify these legal notices anytime. The user makes the commitment to consult them regularly.
Personal data protection
Visiting the website is possible without any need to reveal its identity or any other kind of personal information.
The company Ludifit SAS commits in respecting your privacy and protecting every information you provide. In particular the personal data collected on the website are only used by Ludifit SAS. They are confidentials and treated as such.
Regarding the nominative-type information that you might be brought to communicate to us, you have a right to access and modify them according to the French "Informatique et Liberté" law n° 78-17 of january, 6th 1978. You can use this right to Ludifit SAS – Adress : 4 rue du Docteur Pravaz, 69110 Ste Foy Lès Lyon
If you subscribed to electronic newsletter services, you can ask to unsubscribe and not receive any email.
Please note that in order to provide you with products and services increasingly tailored, some non nominative-type information, regarding your activity on the website, will be automatically collected. This information is intended to Ludifit SAS and can be used during marketing or commercial operations or be used as a base for surveys and studies.
This information will never be transmitted to third parties. Only the Ludifit SAS staff have access to this data.
We take every necessary precaution to ensure the integrity of the data, their confidentiality and prevent every leaks to unauthorized third-parties.
Creating an hyperlink leading ti the website doesn't require any written authorization from Ludifit SAS.
Nonetheless, Ludifit SAS must be informed within 30 days after the creation of this link.
In any case, Ludifit SAS cannot be held responsible for the contents or the products or services offered on websites with which the website might find itself linked by hyperlinks or every other kind of links.
Intellectual Property
Ludifit SAS advise its users that many elements of this website :
a) are protected by the Copyright : this might be the case for photos, articles, drawings, animated images...;
b) and/or are protected by the legisaltion on drawings and models ;
c) are protected by the trademark laws
These protected elements are the property of Ludifit SAS or of third-parties who gave permission to Ludifit SAS to use them.
Every copy, representation, use, adaptation, modification, embedding, translation, selling, complete or partial by any mean and on any support (paper, digital...) is forbidden, without the written authorization of Ludifit SAS, except the exceptions from the article L 122.5 of the "Code de la propriété intellectuelle". Any violation of these rules is considered a crime of counterfeiting of the Copyright and / or the legisaltion on drawings and models and /or trademark laws, punished by a two year jail sentence and a 150 000€ fine.
Copyright and/or legisaltion on drawings and models :
The photos, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated images, sounds, videos as well as any work embedded on the website are the property of Ludifit SAS or third parties who authorized Ludifit SAS to use them.
Duplications, on a paper or digital medium of the website are authorized for personal use only. Advertising and / or commercial use are strictly prohibited aven if they are in accordance with the article L122-5 of the copyright code.
Product information
In oder to constantly improve our products and services, Ludifit SAS can modify at any time the caracteristics of ,its offer. The products and / or services presented on this website are distributed in mainland France.
In any case, information provided on this website is of general purpose and are not of any contractual value.
Limitation of liability
You are using the website under you own and entire responsibility. Ludifit SAS wil not be held responsible for the direct or consequential damages, such as, among others, material damage, loss of data or software, fiancial loss, as a result of the use of this website or the related websites.
Ludifit SAS reserves the right to modify and to update without notice these legal notices, contents and any product presented on the website.
All these changes are binding on users who should check these Terms and Conditions at each connection.
Monitoring statistics data
We use the connexion data for our visits statistics (type of browser, number of visitors, pages visited....) to optimize our website sections, and improve the navigation experience forour users. This data wil not be given to third-parties.
Copy on paper
Exept the iconography, the copy of the website on paper is allowed if the copy respects the three following conditions :
- free distribution
- respect of the integrity of the copied documents ( no modification, or changes of any kind)
- explicit quotation of the website as a source and mention of the copyright anr the reserved rights.